JBSlemmer.com         Affiliate Programs
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Affiliate Programs for Your Web Site

Affiliate programs act as a broker between websites that receive traffic, and advertisiers that want to post ads. The network manages everything for the paying merchant, and ensures that the affiliate received payment.

Ranging from options such as CPA [the generic term cost per action] When the internet first become commercialized, it was these advertising networks that were at first popular. Pushing millions of banner impressions for the common 468x60, many grew larger than they could feasibly become.

As the internet matured, many became bankrupt due to factors ranging from insufficient capital to poor business plans.

Yet there are still advertising networks that remain, and successful new ones do emerge at times.

Following are reviews on www.webmasterstop.com * for specific affiliate networks:

AllClicks Review - Added June 4, 2003
Commission Junction - Added June 26, 2002
clickXchange Affiliate Network - Added June 26, 2002


Advertising Networks
fastclick Advertising Network - Added June 26, 2002
focusIN Advertising Network - Added June 26, 2002

Search Based [PPC]
Kanoodle Review - Added June 16, 2003
Overture Review - Added June 26, 2002
goClick PPC Review - Added June 26, 2002

PopupTraffic Review - Added August 28, 2002
fastclick PopUnders - Added August 19, 2002
ExitFuel Popup Review - Added August 19, 2002

* - www.Webmasterstop.com  is an excellent source of information and reviews on this subject.

All images and text © Copyright J Slemmer 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
email me

Other great web sites: 1. Fitness and exercise information     3. Environment, health and safety Information     4. Where to find a pick-your-own farm    5. Find Pumpkin Patches, Corn Mazes, Hayrides and More     6. Find choose-and-cut Christmas tree farms, precut trees, etc.     8. Free resources to start your own website business.  Chastain Park:  Looking for Chastain Park Concert tickets or directions?  Click here